Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Greetings, folks!

Blues Element has a very special show booked next week at C'est What (67 Front St. East at Church, Toronto, ON) on Wednesday, April 9 - 2 sets starting at 9:00 and guaranteed over by 11:30 so you can still get your beauty sleep (or most of it, anyway!). It was supposed to be the homecoming party for our guitarist of record Kenmi Chank; however, he was refused entry back into Canada last weekend. Not because he did anything wrong or criminal.. just because they didn't think he was really coming back to "sightsee". So he is again back in Japan and we are disappointed but not distraught, because we do still have the very talented Adam Rawski on lead guitar. We were going to record the show live for future release, and we still plan to. Please join myself, Iain, Adam and Jason Farrar (bass & back up vocals) at C'est What on April 9. Yell and clap and add your happy noise to a live Blues Element CD!

Not only will you be part of the recording but your $6 cover gets you a free copy L8R, if you give us your contact info at the show. We like C'est What and we hope to be invited back, maybe even for a weekend. So come out and help us show them that we have enough friends and fans for that!

Jamie & Iain
Blues Element


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