Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Replica's June/07 Gigs Include Two Cancer Fundraisers

Hey, Guys and Girls.

Big thank you to Dario, Chuck, Emily and the entire staff at Frank N Steins in Guelph, ON, last Saturday night. The place was awesome as usual and we rocked the house with our new songs and a crazy fog machine!!!! Due to a broken camera, we were only able to salvage one picture from the show. (See above.)

The whole month of June is absolutely insane for us. It'll be the most events we've ever done as a band in one month, but we're up to the challenge. We've invested in an onstage defibrillator for the older member of our band. I won't tell you who, but he plays drums and complains alot.

We're kicking off the gig marathon with a show for the Cancer Society in Georgetown. Their "Relay For Life" walk is something that we're all happy to be supporting and are looking forward to performing for them for the second time.
We'll also perform at the Brampton "Relay For Life" on June 22nd. We thank them for getting us on board for such a worthy cause.

This Saturday, June 2, we're back at Frank N Steins in Guelph. For all of our Guelph friends, we thank you so much for your support and look forward to each and every time we play there. Please check our sites for news, photos and dates.




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